Christefano is CEO and Co-founder of Exaltation of Larks, a development, training and consulting firm located in Los Angeles and Boston. Having created his first weblog in 1994 and quite possibly the world’s first built-in searchbox for web browsers in 1996, he continues today as an active developer and innovator.
An LA Drupal manager since 2008, Christefano is also one of the lead DrupalCamp LA 2010 organizers. He is a frequent presenter at the LA Drupal meetups and is co-presenting the popular Professional Staging and Deployment session again this year.
As LA Drupal's self-appointed Drupal Adventure Guide, he recently co-produced LA Drupal's Git with Drupal 7 event, which combined a Git bootcamp with a Drupal 7 code sprint. Christefano also volunteers his time to help run and maintain the, and infrastructure and helps his co-managers fundraise and promote Drupal events all over Southern California.
In addition to his work in LA Drupal, Christefano is a Drupal core contributor and a founding member of the Santa Barbara and Drupal Fit groups.
Previous to his current work, he helped organize workshops and conferences for teenagers and led discussions about citizen journalism, intellectual property, and online identity and privacy rights. In yet another career, Christefano was a contributing writer and columnist for technology magazines and has been published in Macworld, MacAddict and MacDirectory. Even earlier in life, he was born naked and defenseless and managed to overcome all odds.
In 2006, Christefano was honored by Time Magazine by being selected as Person of the Year.