mike stewart
i am co-manager of the LAdrupal user group and manager of the southern california user group. i helped with the 2008, and 2009, drupalcamp LA efforts. i've been using drupal since mid-2005. i'm a foss freak. maemo. ubunutu. virtualbox. geany. bazaar. meld. inkscape. gimp. hamster project. shutter project. and of course drupal, are among my favorites. i like to expand my drupal network connections on linked in and facebook. twilb i have organized drupal exhibit booths at open source events:- SCaLE 6x
- Linux World Expo (San Francisco)
- SCaLE 7x
- SCaLE 8x
- LA Drupal - various
- DrupalCamp Los Angeles 2008 - Theming with Zen. FOSS Drupal development in a box.
- SAND Camp 2009 - FOSS Drupal development in a box.
- SCaLE 7x - FOSS Drupal development in a box.
- DrupalCampLA 2009 - FOSS Drupal development in a box.
- DrupalCampLA 2009 - Tag, tweet, irc, fb, iCal and otherwise communicate realtime during camp
- Bad Camp 2009 - Building Kick ass Drupal sites without coding.