Higher Education BoF
Considering that the camp is being held at UC Irvine, I think we need a Higher Education BoF.
I’m a developer for UC Davis. Any more UC people around? Any other universities want to represent?
I’d be interested in talking about contributing code, collaborating with other departments on campus, and building small campus Drupal user groups.
Discuss in the comments here, or in the forum: https://2010.drupalcampla.com/bof-sessions-birds-feather/higher-education-bof
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I’m definitely interested;
I’m definitely interested; I’m from UCLA. Drupal’s one of the CMS platforms we’re considering moving to, so I’d like to learn about it.
CSU Northridge Participant
I am a web producer at CSUN and we are also looking at implementing Drupal. I am looking forward to this weekend!
Higher Ed Groups
Here is a list of higher-ed groups on g.d.o. If I missed any, please post them below.