Internet & Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi Network
The UC Irvine Wi-Fi network is called UCInet Mobile Access. All computers must be registered with their MAC address and all use must comply with the UCI Computer and Network Use Policy. Basically, use must be consistent with the educational mission of the University:
- no unauthorized access (e.g., sniffing, hacking, port scanning)
- no peer-to-peer applications
- no insecure equipment may be connected (e.g., unpatched systems)
- no downloading/sharing unauthorized copyrighted materials
- no excessive use of bandwidth (particularly off-campus)
- no interfering with normal network operations
- Note: this is not an exhaustive list; please be courteous
Restrictions on Visitor access:
- Visitor access to the UC Irvine network is granted for a 24 hour period.
- Visitors may register no more than 7 times in a 30 day period.
- All ports are blocked except Web traffic (HTTP and HTTPS), Email (IMAP and authenticated SMTP) and SSH (port 22).
- If you are presenting and need other ports open, see the presenters page for important information.
How to get on-line:
We have Visitor Wi-Fi available in all our rooms, and much of the outdoor Engineering quad area (outdoor signal strength may vary). Get on-line using Express Registration:
- Make sure your wireless card is active and connect to UCInet Mobile Access.
- Open your Web browser and try to connect to any Web page.
You will be directed to the Express Registration web page. - Click Register as a Visitor of UCI.
- Read the Visitor agreement and fill in the Web form with your name,
email address and reason for visiting the campus (DrupalCamp LA). - Click the Submit button.
Your computer's hardware address will be automatically detected and registered for access to our mobile network. After 1 minute you should be redirected to the Web page you were trying to access. If you cannot connect, try again in a few minutes. Your computer may take a few minutes to update its network settings. If you still can not connect, try rebooting your computer.
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